Friday, October 15, 2010

I lost someone, but gained something else..

I lost a friend recently....very recently. A friend who I valued her friendship, until she got crazy after finding out her spouse had done some questionable things while deployed. I listened to her rants, her frustrations, etc, but I had enough when she became vindictive compared to venting. When you in front of myself and my husband say your going to take him for everything he's got and leave him with nothing but his
Harley and the clothes on his back I feel your being vindictive. He's a good dad to the kids, he's a good husband and provider. I get your mad, but go to counseling and work on your life together or separate without being a complete vindictive bitch. You laid it out how you were going to do your life and honestly is was vindictive and sorry. No more of saying You don't know what I've gone through. Sorry, dude but I have. My first husband cheated on me after 6 years together.
I've been there are started over.

On to life in the Gilles house.......I hate training. Seems like my husband is gone more for trainings and meetings at battalion more than he's home. Seems like he does more training for a deployment than he's home and its driving me nuts. Its the whole Meeting after meeting consumes our life and makes for a crabby husband when he's home. R doesn't deploy for a while but he's gone to meetings and 3 day TDY's more than I care to count. I wish the Army would realize that wives want to see their spouses BEFORE they deploy.

On to other news...the twins turn 2 next month. Holy cow I'm about to have 2 year old twins. Can I just say their a handful?? I was conversing with a fellow Army wife who is pregnant with twins apparently identical from the doctor's assessment from ultrasound. I was quick to tell her to be alert to TTTS with her twins since its very prevalent in identical twins. I worry for other twin moms like we're related. If not for the doctors at Cincinnati Children's Hospital, my miracles wouldn't be here. I'm geting teary so I'm signing off for the night.


1 comment:

  1. Terra, thank you so much for all the info you have given me! All your info and anecdotes about the girls have given me so much insight and while I know I am FAR from prepared...I like to think that all the info you have been and continue to give me is truly a Godsent!
